Stay up to date with Onetrace’s evolving features and improvements. Check out what’s new and improved.
We've rebuilt the Jobs experience from the ground up with a cleaner interface and more powerful tools to help you manage work efficiently.
The redesigned Jobs screen provides a clear view of your jobs with essential information front and centre. Access and edit key details quicker through the improved Overview, Material summary and Job details panel.
Job Sheets now display key information more prominently and provide detailed field-level validation feedback. Complete entire Job Sheets directly from the web, giving you greater flexibility.
The improved sidebar consolidates:
Recall jobs locked to an operative's device without contacting support. Reassign jobs to different operatives, complete them yourself, or determine their next state - eliminating administrative delays and keeping projects running smoothly.
In Project Setup > Forms > Location Attributes, customise which attributes are displayed on each form and specify whether they are mandatory. Choose from default options or configure bespoke sets of attributes tailored to your needs.
Holding shift allows for the selection of multiple locations on a drawing. Bulk actions, such as assigning or changing zones, are supported, and reports can be generated for the selected pins to streamline workflows and improve efficiency.
When configuring text-based location attributes, you can enable these fields to appear on the PDF Report Overview. This adds an extra column to the overview page, showcasing the information captured for each job sheet included in the report.
We’ve added new filters to help you segment data by form type on the Drawings and Locations pages. These filters can be accessed through the “Add Filter” dropdown.
For mobile users, touch events are now supported on, allowing you to drag and drop drawing files into your Site directly from your mobile device’s browser.
The new Rates Enhancements optimise your project management with the introduction of multiple rate sets and CSV imports, designed to help you organise materials and set up rates with ease.
Create three customisable rate groups, and add unlimited rate sets to the groups. Capture rate variations without overwriting existing rates, which can be affected by factors like market demand, location, and project complexity.
Speed up changes to your rates by bulk importing using our new CSV templates. Easily export using these templates to adjust, and re-import existing rates for maximum efficiency.
With accurate rate data uploaded to Onetrace, you can choose the defaults you want when setting up a project. Use these defaults to quickly align your projects with the correct rate sets, whether that be referencing locations, manufacturers or specific uplifts for individual projects.
Go to your global settings to find the new Rate Sets page or manage rates in projects directly through the Materials Manager in Project Setup.
With Custom Location Statuses build workflows that support you in carrying out surveys, installs, inspections, and other actions on site. In Project Setup you can choose from a palette of colours, icons, and text to create customised statuses that accurately reflect your projects’ workflow.
These Custom Statuses can be utilised in combination with the following features to enhance your processes:
Specify which statuses appear in to-do lists, helping operatives understand the status of the tasks they are working on when using the mobile app.
The customised colour of the custom location statuses are shown on the pins and can be filtered on drawings, making it easy to identify where to focus your attention.
Set automations to automatically change between location statuses based on the job sheet actions. Allow Operatives to manually update the location status while completing Job Sheets - this overrides any existing form automations.
Enhance your reports with more relevant location statuses giving your client a better understanding of the status of work.
In the Job Sheet view, the "previous" and "next" buttons are now contextual to the screen you came from. If you arrived from the Job view, they will cycle through the job sheets in that Job. However, if you come from the Approvals tab in a Project, they will cycle through those job sheets instead (making it easier to process approvals).
On the Job Sheet, the “Edit” and “Save” buttons will stick to the top of the page, remaining visible as you scroll. When you click "Edit" it will put the job sheet into "edit mode" at the point you have scrolled to.
You can quickly edit a material without entering the “edit mode” and instead accessing the material properties directly from the "view mode", saving a few clicks. This is largely useful for manual data entry errors into material dimensions.
You can now upload photos to a job sheet by dragging and dropping them from your desktop into a photo field.
By implementing a new search infrastructure, we have improved the global search speed by 200x, going from searches taking 4s to 20ms. You can now access the Global Search through the cmd-k or ctrl-k. You will be able to search for Client names, Project names, Job numbers and Job Sheet numbers. The system also handles spelling errors much better utilising a matching mechanism that will surface options that may relate to what they entered.
We have introduced a photo sync alert bar on job sheets to inform you of the sync status of photos. This feature displays notifications when a photo is still syncing or if there is an error during sync. While photo uploads generally proceed without issues, this alert bar will now promptly notify you of any errors. This enhancement was brought in to respond to your feedback regarding photos not appearing on the Web App.
In the action menu (top right) or on the system notification, there is a button to navigate to the "Deleted Item" page. There you will be able to see which Project/Job was deleted, by who, at what time and also restore the item.
We have introduced the ability for you to export a report from the Productivity page by clicking the "Get Report" button in the top right. You can export an Excel that contains the data that as seen on the Productivity page. The filters (By Member, By Team, By Project) will be exported as separate sheets.
The Project Setup & Templates enhancement consists of a significant UI/UX update. We have transformed the navigation from horizontal tabs to a vertical list and introduced 'Cards' to create a new modular layout.
This will help you quickly identify the area that you need, to make the changes you want. By leveraging a similar format to the Settings area, we are consolidating the look and feel making it more familiar across the system.
Material Manager: It's now quicker and easier to add materials to your projects and templates.
Signed Doc Folders: In Project Templates, you can now predefine folders for your signed documents, further automating the creation of Projects.
Location Reference Field: - You can customise the name of the location reference field across your Onetrace organisation to suit your business needs. It will be displayed next to the Onetrace location number, and will also be included in global job sheet reporting.
A new "Show on PDF report" option in the "Advanced Options" will allow you to determine whether a field appears on generated reports.
Choose whether approvals in a project are shown on PDF reports. This provides the flexibility to capture and communicate the approvals in a way that suits your workflow on each project. To use this new feature go to Project--> Project Setup --> Approvals.
We have amended the design of the reports to show the section titles as formatted in the Form creation. This will ensure your reports can be structured to your needs. A Job Sheet section has also been introduced to the reports, which shows the Job Sheet number and the form title.
The automated report notificaiton email that you receive when your report has been generated by the system, now contains the job number, project name, the report type, job numbers, reference, and client.
In Settings --> Members --> Members Profile a new "Employment Information" section has been added. This provides a space to add a member's Employee number, Tax number, Hourly rate and Day rate. This information also surfaces on timesheet reports.
See a summary of key Job statistics on the Job screen, specifically, the number of job sheets and the sum of each rate group. Use this to quickly identify the high level stats on the work that has been carried out by an operative on a job.
We've enabled the ability to toggle drawing modes within your projects. Initiate projects without having drawing files ready from the start, providing the flexibility to add them later as your project evolves.
The new toggle will allow you switch between enabling and disabling drawings for the project. This adaptability is designed to fit the dynamic nature of project management, where changes are part of the process. This feature can be accessed in the Project Setup under the Locations tab.
Onetrace will guide you through the implications of these changes, ensuring you’re informed about how it impacts your project workflow and any changes that you will see in the project pages.
We've refreshed the Onetrace settings area, focussing on making your experience smoother without altering the core functionalities. Here’s what’s new:
Find the updated Settings menu at the bottom of the main screen navigation panel and explore the improvements designed to make your project management tasks more intuitive and less time-consuming.
With the Onetrace Nexus Update, we have completely rebuilt Onetrace from the ground up. Powered by a range of new features and technology, the update will support you in working smarter, faster and simpler.
Find out more in the sections below:
📄 Docs & Files
🕜 Timesheets
📑 Jobs & Job Sheets
📋 Forms
📁 Project Templates
🔧 Site Manager
🔎 Filters
📱 Mobile App