Onetrace Journal

Case Study: Enhanced Fire Protection Recording | Golden Thread Fire Delay

Written by Onetrace | 12 June 2024 12:00:17 Z
Golden Thread Fire Delay is no stranger to planning and implementing large-scale projects, having recently completed a 2,500-fire door installation, remediation and inspection at Greenwich University. 

They help their clients, including the NHS, universities, local authorities, and housing associations, effectively implement and oversee passive fire protection measures. 

Through continual successful project delivery, they have established themselves as one of the leading providers of these services in the UK.

Central to their approach is the recognition of the need to accurately capture and maintain records of passive fire protection elements within buildings. 

Consequently, adopting a top-tier system for documenting project work had been a priority.

"We are always looking to find ways to improve our day-to-day operations"

Challenge - maintaining information accuracy across projects of all sizes

Kris Konieczka, Contracts Manager at Golden Thread Fire Delay, is responsible for managing key project functions, including health and safety, labour allocation, progress monitoring, project costs, and handover processes.

He must ensure accurate project records and work data are collected, and the teams he works with can scale how they record work to meet the demands of large and complex projects.

However, they have faced challenges when operatives provided non-standardised information to document their work progress. Specifically, they relied on manually completing worksheets rather than using pre-defined, standardised fields for recording work progress.

This practice often meant installation information had to be double-checked, compelling multiple site revisits to guarantee accurate data collection.

Minor differences between surveys for sites with multiple buildings, which occasionally led to inconsistencies, further complicated the task of maintaining a 'golden thread' of information

These time-consuming administrative tasks made Golden Thread Fire Delay aware they needed to improve the efficiency of their project recording processes.

Solution - a best-in-class recording system

After examining several systems, Onetrace became the top choice for improving how Golden Thread Fire Delay recorded its passive fire protection. 

"Onetrace significantly streamlines our recording and day-to-day operations, surpassing what other systems could offer."

In particular, customising Onetrace's forms to meet Golden Thread Fire Delay's needs enhanced their ability to manage on-site work and overall programme productivity.

Additionally, they have developed project templates tailored to their client's requirements.

For instance, on their Greenwich University project, they used Onetrace to accurately and consistently record asset tag numbers along with location descriptions.

The platform also provides guest access to clients, enabling them to view recorded work and carry out fire door inspections for complete transparency.

As now advanced platform users, Golden Thread Fire Delay was initially supported by Onetrace's training and customer support team to fully adopt the system.

"Our communication with the Onetrace team has been excellent, and its implementation has greatly enhanced various aspects of our business, enabling us to deliver better service to our clients."

Results - hundreds of hours saved

For one of Golden Thread Fire Delay's major projects, thousands of locations needed to be marked on drawings to record completed works and for inspection purposes. By utilising Onetrace, the time saved in collecting all this information is estimated to be over 100 hours.

"I am confident that we have saved hundreds of hours of administrative work on our largest project", Kris Konieczka, Contracts Manager, Golden Thread Fire Delay

These time savings also extend to how Golden Thread Fire Delay is able to demonstrate the quality of work, both through downloadable reports that are easily shared with clients and through guest access to the platform.

With a robust and reliable recording system in place, Golden Thread Fire Delay can now look to enhance its offering to clients and demonstrate the value of their services to new business prospects.